Easy Overnight Oats Base Recipe
Feb 28, 2020| By JOI team
Feb 28, 2020| By JOI team
Easy Overnight Oats Base Recipe
Almond-Base | Breakfast | Brunch | Cashew-Base | Dairy-Free | Dessert | Overnight Oats | Recipe | Snack | Vegan | Vegetarian | 
Mornings are a love-it-or-hate-it situation. If you’re on the hate-it side of things, making it out from under the covers requires some significant external motivation—like breakfast. Sure, knowing you have to get to work on time so you don’t get fired or having kids in desperate need of your attention can help. But nothing will get you sincerely excited to face the day like a delicious breakfast, especially when it’s hearty, healthy, and ready and waiting for you. Overnight oats made with JOI 100% nutbase is the perfect make-ahead breakfast guaranteed to help you fully carpe the diem.
This is one of those gloriously simple recipes you can do almost anything with. The base is simply milk made with JOI almond or cashew nutbase combined with rolled oats, chia seeds, and a dash each of salt, vanilla, and cinnamon. Mix up the base in a single-serve container (small mason jars work great) then refrigerate overnight. Even better, mix up a few batches at a time so you’re set for the week. Then, when the alarm goes off, all you need to do is grab a jar from the fridge, add any toppings, mix-ins, or sweeteners your heart desires, and watch your day get off to a solid start.
Especially with some hearty toppings like raw nuts or seeds and fresh or dried fruit, overnight oats made with JOI is a breakfast that can easily keep you fueled for the entire morning (and avoid the temptation of break room donuts). Don’t be afraid to get creative with your topping and mix-in combos either. Give something outside the typical breakfast realm, like lemon zest and ginger root, coconut flakes and matcha power, or pumpkin puree and maple syrup, a shot. The possibilities are nearly endless—we’d love to see your favorite on Instagram.
Ready to make your mornings better? Here’s the recipe for Overnight Oats made with JOI!
Looking for more make-ahead breakfast inspiration? Try this Pomegranate-Raspberry Chia Pudding made with JOI!