Vegan Toasted Almond Coffee Cake
Sep 11, 2020| By JOI team
Sep 11, 2020| By JOI team
Vegan Toasted Almond Coffee Cake
Almond-Base | Baked Goods | Breakfast | Brunch | Dairy-Free | Dessert | Gluten-Free | Recipe | Snack | Vegan | Vegetarian | 
Recipe and photographs by Danielle Webb of Wanderfully Wholesome.
Picture this: You’re enjoying a slow, quiet morning at home, sipping on a hot cup of coffee and enjoying homemade coffee cake fresh out of the oven… Now I don’t know about you, but that sounds like my kinda morning! All you need is a cozy blanket and a good book and I’m there!
With this simple Vegan, Gluten-Free Toasted Almond Coffee Cake recipe, your family will wake up to the sweet smell of cinnamon wafting through the house. A breakfast the whole family will enjoy, this coffee cake comes together in just 15 minutes before baking in the oven.
The recipe uses homemade JOI Almond milk (made in seconds!), which offers a unique almond flavor to the cake, along with the almond flour and sliced almonds throughout the streusel topping. Triple almond!
Although using almond JOI enhances the almond profile of this recipe, feel free to use any JOI milk. Cashew, hemp, oat or even oat creamer works well here.
Enjoy with fresh fruit and a cup of coffee for a blissful morning at home!
Please put the amount of JOI milk needed for the recipe!! It’s not listed in the ingredients.
Yep, no Joi listed in the ingredients. I’m looking forward to making this!
It appears that this recipe is missing the volume and ingredient liating for the Joi milk.