Sweet and Savory Vegan Crispy Chocolate Sea Salt Granola Made with JOI

May 22, 2019| By JOI team


May 22, 2019| By JOI team

Sweet and Savory Vegan Crispy Chocolate Sea Salt Granola Made with JOI

Almond-Base | Breakfast | Cashew-Base | Creamer-Base | Dairy-Free | Granola | Keto | Oat-Powder | Recipe | Sugar-Free | Vegan | Vegetarian | 

You don't get a more crunchy granola than when you make it yourself. Tell your friends and you’ll probably get more than a couple of (mostly jealous) eye rolls. But here’s the real secret—making your own granola is actually super easy. Even better, it’s healthier than store-bought options, cost-effective, and endlessly customizable. And when you make homemade granola with JOI 100% nutbases, you can add a filling vegan-friendly protein punch that leads to a truly satisfying breakfast or snacking option.

Seriously, even if you’re one of those I-only-cook-I-do-not-bake types, homemade granola is for you. Trust us—we’re experts.

This Crispy Chocolate Sea Salt Granola, inspired by our plant-based friends at The First Mess, is just one of many ways you can jump on the homemade granola train with JOI. A little sweet, a little savory, and a lot delicious, this recipes combines standard oats with raw almonds, sunflower seeds, and sesame seeds for hearty protein; coconut flakes, maple syrup, and vanilla for sweetness; cocoa powder, cinnamon, and salt for flavor; and rich coconut oil plus JOI 100% almond nutbase to bind everything together. Mix the ingredients together, spread thin on a baking sheet, and toast in the oven at low heat, and congratulations—you’ve baked a homemade vegan granola delicacy. 

Let your masterpiece cool, give yourself a pat on the back, and then (assuming you can avoid the temptation of eating the entire batch straight off the pan) start thinking about serving options. This recipe is super tasty on its own, as a topping for your morning acai bowl or chia pudding, over yogurt, or our personal favorite: with a splash of JOI almond or cashew milk. Think of it like the super grown-up, healthy, vegan version of Cocoa Crispies (and who doesn’t secretly love those little sugar bombs?). EnJOI!



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