Comparing Almond Milk: JOI Almond Milk Concentrate vs. Grocery Store Brands
Mar 3, 2022| By JOI team
Mar 3, 2022| By JOI team
Comparing Almond Milk: JOI Almond Milk Concentrate vs. Grocery Store Brands
Almond-Base | Cashew-Base | Creamer-Base | Dairy-Free | Keto | Oat-Powder | Recipe | Sugar-Free | Vegan | Vegetarian | 
You’ve decided to make the switch to almond milk. Whether better health is the goal, the traditional stuff doesn’t really get along with your body, or you just like the taste, it probably hasn’t taken you long to figure out you’ve got a lot more decisions ahead of you to find your almond milk.
Too much choice is overwhelming for the brain, so let us make it easy for you: almond milk made from JOI almond milk concentrate is the healthiest, purest, best-tasting option you’ll find. Here’s why—ever heard of the KISS (Keep It Simple, Stupid) principle? You should, it works. In fact, the 2017 State of Sustainability in America report found that “8 out of 10 consumers are now conscious about their health and opt to buy products with fewer ingredients that they can understand and pronounce.” JOI almond milk concentrate is made from Just One Ingredient (and if you’ve made it this far, we’re pretty sure you know how to pronounce it). It doesn’t get more simple than that, and that simplicity leads to some pretty outstanding almond milk.
Need proof? We’ve got plenty, and we’re serving it up smackdown style. Let’s take a look at JOI almond milk concentrate versus the leading boxed and refrigerated grocery store almond milks.
Us: Almonds. Just almonds. That’s Just One Ingredient.
Them: Almonds, heavy handed sweeteners, proprietary vitamin and mineral blends, thickeners and stabilizers like sunflower lecithin and locust bean gum, salt, the occasional carrageenan. Depending on the brand, that’s a total of 7-11 ingredients.
Almond Content
Us: 12% almond content*. That means after everything is all blended and ready to use, your almond milk made from JOI is still comprised of 12% actual almonds. Keeping the ingredients simple pays off, right?
Them: Thanks to all those extra ingredients and fillers, have just 2%-4% almond content.
Protein Content
Us: 7 grams of protein*—just about the same as what you’ll get from a handful of raw almonds (and no, this is not a coincidence).
Them: An average of 1 gram of protein, thanks again to all those extra ingredients and fillers.
Fiber Content
Us: 4 grams of fiber*—just like you’ll get from (you guessed it) a serving of raw almonds.
Them: 1 gram of fiber is the average, shout out to those extras (seeing a pattern here?).
Fat Content
Us: 16 grams of hunger-busting fat* to keep you full longer. Plus, most of it is the heart-healthy monounsaturated variety. Yeah, your body thanks you.
Them: On average, 3 grams per serving. Sounds a little unsatisfying, right?
So, now that you’ve made the switch to almond milk, ready to decide on JOI almond milk concentrate? Order today and see firsthand why JOI is the fresh alternative to alternative milks.
*Based on almond milk made using a ratio of 2 tablespoons of JOI almond milk concentrate to 1 cup of water