Best Matcha Latte, Iced or Hot (Dairy-Free)

Jul 1, 2019| By JOI team


Jul 1, 2019| By JOI team

Best Matcha Latte, Iced or Hot (Dairy-Free)

Almond-Base | Cashew-Base | Creamer-Base | Dairy-Free | Keto | Oat-Powder | Recipe | Sugar-Free | Vegan | Vegetarian | 

Pop quiz: what’s got as much 137 times the antioxidant content of green tea and makes one delicious plant based latte?

What Makes Matcha Healthy?

Besides delivering enormous antioxidant benefits, there are more healthy attractions to matcha.   Think of matcha as green tea on steroids, in powdered form.

Derived from the same
Camellia sinensis plant but grown differently, matcha offers:

  • inflammation-fighting,
  • concentration-boosting,
  • heart-and-liver-protecting benefits
as standard green tea, and then it ups the ante.


Small Tea in Miami, FL

What Makes Matcha Different than Green Tea?

So, what’s behind the supercharged healthful punch?

Camellia sinensis plants destined to become matcha are covered from direct sunlight 20-30 days before harvest.  This increases chlorophyll production and amino acid content.

Then, after the tea leaves are harvested, they are ground up into a fine powder.  This means that finished-product matcha contains the nutrients from the entire tea leaf. This equates to higher caffeine and antioxidant content than you’ll find within green tea—and a stronger flavor too. Basically, it makes a good thing great.

Why Make a Matcha Latte?

Matcha is also really tasty as a latte. Sure, you can blend up matcha powder with water.  But why would you when you can pair it with the nutritional benefits and creamy goodness of JOI plant bases?  

JOI almond milk delivers six times more protein, fiber and healthy fats than the average boxed milk alternative.  Go ahead, try the creamier ratio when making this milk.  You'll find the froth and foam second to none!  Or swap out JOI cashew milk or creamer base instead of almond milk.

Avoiding nuts?  Whisk in JOI oat milk powder base to make your matcha latte creamy.  As long as you're using that matcha whisk to blend your matcha into the hot water, might as well use it to blend in the oat milk powder as well!

Whatever dairy free milk you prefer, JOI is there to offer the most clean label options, hold the canola oil, gums and fillers.

Make Vegan Matcha Lattes!

Ready to power up your morning routine or afternoon pick-me-up? Give our  Matcha Latte recipe a try (psst it's great hot or cold).

    Small Tea in Miami, FL

    Looking for another superfood alternative latte option? Check out our Golden Milk Latte made with Burlap + Barrel Turmeric


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