Golden Milk Latte (Dairy-Free, Hot or Cold)

May 23, 2024| By JOI team


May 23, 2024| By JOI team

Golden Milk Latte (Dairy-Free, Hot or Cold)

Almond-Base | Beverage | Breakfast | Brunch | Cashew-Base | Creamer-Base | Creamy | Dairy-Free | Drinks | Health-&-Wellness | Immunity | Keto | Latte | Milk | Oat-Powder | Recipe | Sugar-Free | Vegan | Vegetarian | 

Sometimes even the most diehard coffee and tea devotees need a break from their usual lattes. We've got the perfect alternative: a golden milk latte. This vibrant beverage is a treat for your taste buds. And it's a powerhouse of health benefits, making it the perfect addition to your routine. Brighten up your day with a golden milk latte!

What is a Golden Latte?

A Golden Latte, also known as a Turmeric Latte or Golden Milk, is a warm and comforting beverage that has its roots in ancient Ayurvedic practices.

This vibrant drink gets its signature golden hue from turmeric. Turmeric is a potent spice that has been used for centuries in traditional Indian medicine.

Health Benefits of this Recipe?

Make a Golden Latte for its health benefits.

Turmeric, the star ingredient in this latte, is a true superfood that has been revered for centuries in traditional medicine. Rich in curcumin, a potent antioxidant, turmeric has been linked to numerous health benefits, including:

  • reducing inflammation,
  • improving brain function, and
  • even potentially lowering the risk of heart disease and cancer.

In addition to the benefits of turmeric, this Golden Milk Latte packs a punch with other nutrient-dense ingredients. Black pepper, for instance, enhances the body's absorption of curcumin, amplifying the health benefits of turmeric.

Ginger and cinnamon, on the other hand, offer their own unique advantages, such as aiding digestion and regulating blood sugar levels.

Make this Recipe for A Taste of Warmth and Comfort

As you sip on this golden elixir, you're sure to be enveloped in a warm embrace of comforting flavors: The earthy notes of turmeric,

the zesty kick of ginger, and

the sweet undertones of cinnamon and

touch of maple syrup

unite to create a harmonious flavor for your palate.

Moreover, this dairy-free Golden Milk Latte offers a delicious and comforting alternative to coffee or tea. Whether you're seeking a warm, soothing beverage to start your day or a cozy treat to wind down in the evening, this latte delivers a unique and nourishing experience without the caffeine kick.

Why this is an Easy Recipe

Preparing this dairy-free Golden Milk Latte is a breeze.

It has just a few simple ingredients that are probably already in your pantry. And the prep time is minimal.

You can enjoy a warm, comforting beverage that's bursting with flavor and goodness in no time.

Why Use JOI in this Recipe?

At the heart of this latte is JOI milk concentrate, a versatile and creamy dairy-free alternative to cow's milk.

Prepared JOI milk (made from JOI almond, oat, cashew, hemp or oat creamer) provides a rich, velvety texture. This creamy base perfectly complements the warm spices in this recipe.

Plus, JOI is free from additives and preservatives commonly found in grocery store plant milks.  This ensures you're sipping on pure, wholesome goodness. JOI milk offers a clean-label, nutrient-dense alternative.

Moreover, because JOI is a concentrate, you add the water. This translates to reduced packaging waste and an improved carbon footprint.

Substitutions and Customizations for this Recipe

One of the beauties of this recipe is its flexibility.

Don't have maple syrup on hand? Swap it out for your favorite sweetener, like honey, date syrup or agave nectar.  Or leave it out altogether.

Prefer a different plant-based milk? JOI offers a variety of options, including oat milk, almond milk, and cashew milk.

Make it hot or cold.

Skip any spice that is not already on your rack; or consider using fresh ginger or turmeric for a change.

Here's the Recipe:


Other Drink Ideas to Make with JOI

JOI provides endless possibilities for creating delicious and nutritious beverages. From refreshing smoothies to indulgent hot chocolates, JOI's plant-based milks are the perfect canvas for your culinary creativity. Explore our recipe collection for more inspiration and discover the versatility of this dairy-free delight.

So, why wait? Grab your ingredients. Use either a blender or stovetop. Embrace the plant-based lifestyle and treat yourself to a beverage that not only delights your senses but also nourishes your body and soul.


  • Can’t wait to try this recipe! 😊

    Ivelisse Martinez
  • Can’t wait to try this recipe! 😊

    Ivelisse Martinez

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