The Best Eggnog Creamer for Coffee (Vegan, Dairy-Free)

Dec 24, 2019| By JOI team


Dec 24, 2019| By JOI team

The Best Eggnog Creamer for Coffee (Vegan, Dairy-Free)

Almond-Base | Cashew-Base | Creamer-Base | Dairy-Free | Keto | Oat-Powder | Recipe | Sugar-Free | Vegan | Vegetarian | 

The month of December just "screams" eggnog - those notes of nutmeg and cinnamon swirled into creamy goodness. But let's give the traditional recipe a makeover. Our recipe for eggnog is vegan and dairy-free. And, we take it a step further and turn it into a perfect coffee creamer (hold the rum!). Of course, it's delicious enough to drink on its own.  As you watch the kids tear open presents this holiday season, enjoy this unique take on a timeless and classic holiday drink! (Adapted from The First Mess)

What is Eggnog?

It is thought that egg nog originated in England, as a drink of the upper class. The drink gained popularity on this side of the pond due to an abundance of dairy, eggs and cheap spirits.

Traditionally, the beverage is an emulsification of milk, egg yolks, rum or sherry and spices.

Is Eggnog Healthy?

Traditional eggnog recipes can be loaded with sugar, dairy and egg yolks. Our recipe supports a more healthy lifestyle.

It's naturally gluten free. We've achieved the richness eggs impart with an extra helping of JOI plant base, making it dairy-free. The almond base contains fiber, healthy fat and protein. Using JOI instead of a different dairy alternative, such as full fat coconut milk, allows the flavorings to shine through instead of competing against the taste of coconut.

And we keep any added sweetener "optional" for those preferring "sugar-free." Oh, and we've also passed on using rum or another spirit, but if you're using this creamer as an after dinner drink, we won't judge if you add a splash!

Why is Our Recipe Different?

This recipe is definitely different than your traditional ones. Skip the medium saucepan and the "stir occasionally" babysitting of the pan. No need to worry about the best moment to remove it from the heat either.

Our recipe is so easy! Unlike a traditional eggnog recipe, all you need is a blender to whip up this delicious creamer. Eggnog creamer can be yours in a matter of minutes. Blend it together while your coffee brews.

Plus, all your ingredients are probably sitting on your pantry shelf. No need to have a half-used carton of unsweetened almond milk in the fridge when you can make it homemade as you blend together your eggnog!

Make the Recipe


Homemade Coffee Creamers are Best

Once you try this healthy eggnog coffee creamer recipe, there's no going back to store bought eggnog! Inspired to make other flavored creamers for your coffee? Check out these recipes for Pumpkin Spice Creamer and Salted Caramel Creamer.


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