Our Go To Vegan And Dairy Free Berrylicious Smoothie Bowl For Any Morning
Jul 22, 2020| By JOI team
Jul 22, 2020| By JOI team
Our Go To Vegan And Dairy Free Berrylicious Smoothie Bowl For Any Morning
Almond-Base | Beverage | Breakfast | Brunch | Cashew-Base | Creamer-Base | Dairy-Free | Dessert | Gluten-Free | Keto | Oat-Powder | Recipe | Smoothie Bowl | Snack | Sugar-Free | Vegan | Vegetarian | 
The simple idea of blending fresh fruit with a liquid, usually milk, dates all the way back to the early 20th century.
Açai bowls first gained popularity in the early 1980's in Brazil in cities like Rio de Janeiro.
Now in 2020, anything in a bowl is mega popular - from grain bowls to açai or the basic smoothie bowl.
But these bowls are not just popular, they are delicious, nutritious, and super easy to make. We provided the history lesson to hammer home a point: don't fix what isn't broken. Grab some fruit, a liquid (spoiler alert: it's plant milk made with JOI), and blend to perfection. Then grab your favorite bowl, pour, top and be satisfied all morning.