Caffeinated Spicy Mocha Smoothie
May 6, 2020| By JOI team
May 6, 2020| By JOI team
Caffeinated Spicy Mocha Smoothie
Almond-Base | Beverage | Breakfast | Cashew-Base | Coffee | Creamer-Base | Dairy-Free | Recipe | Snack | Sugar-Free | Vegan | Vegetarian | 
Whether you turn to smoothies as a healthy breakfast option, nutrient-packed snack, or post-workout pick-me-up, it’s hard to argue with the ease and portability of these nourishing treats. However, it can be easy to fall into a bit of smoothie rut. If you’re getting tired of the same basic fruit/milk/yogurt/nut butter/juice combo over and over again, we’ve got the perfect recipe to switch things up: our Spicy Mocha Smoothie made with JOI. Even better—it’s got a caffeine kick.
Espresso powder (or espresso), vanilla, dates, cocoa nibs, and a pinch of cayenne combined for an addictively rich, just-sweet-enough flavor, while frozen fruit of your choice paired with spinach round out the nutritional check boxes. And of course, milk made with JOI almond or cashew nutbase brings everything together into an irresistibly creamy, as-caffeinated-as-you-want vegan treat that will keep you full and satisfied.
Ready to work this one into your regular smoothie rotation? Here’s the recipe for our Spicy Mocha Smoothie made with JOI—we absolutely encourage you to customize and make it your own!