5 Ways To Reuse Empty JOI Containers
Jul 23, 2020| By JOI team
Jul 23, 2020| By JOI team
5 Ways To Reuse Empty JOI Containers
Sustainability | Tips+Tricks | 
Recycling and reusing packaging is at the core of our mission. We spent years researching and sourcing packaging materials that are more sustainable and help to reduce waste, and we'll never stop learning about the next new thing.
With all that said, where are we today? Well, as you may or may not know, about a year ago we transitioned our paste products from a plastic to a glass jar for many reasons (read our full story here), but most importantly the infinite reusability and recyclability of the material. Glass is made from common materials like sand, soda ash, and limestone. The Cliffs Notes version of the science goes like this: the raw materials are melted together at super high temperatures to form a liquid-like conglomerate that gets cooled off to form glass. To recycle, the glass is essentially melted down and the process starts again.
For those that en-JOI collecting glass jars (guilty!) and reusing them within the home, here are some ideas on how to reuse an empty JOI container:
5 Ways To Reuse Empty JOI Containers
Planters: transform your empty container into a planter for herbs, succulents or other small plants. Have a pail? Even better for growth! Drill some holes in the bottom for drainage if needed, otherwise, just add some potting soil, your greenery, water and watch it bloom.
Ice Cream: perhaps you have been making our No Churn Vegan Blackberry Nice Cream or our Strawberry Ice Cream this summer. If you have, well, that empty JOI container is the perfect vessel for storing this in your freezer.
Salad Dressing: a favorite use of the editorial team at Bon Appétit, empty JOI containers are great for salad dressing storage - our airtight lid will keep those dressings fresh and ready for drizzling.
Overnight Oats: yes, the overnight oats phenomenon has not escaped us and if you don’t have a clean mason jar on hand, an empty container of JOI works perfectly for your any type of overnight oats you might be planning.
Dips: from Vegan Queso to the ultimate Vegan French Onion Dip, any dip made with JOI (or not) can be easily stored in our containers - the wide mouth opening of the jar welcomes any chip or Crudités plate.
What else can we do? Call your local waste management facility to find out about responsible recycling in your community.
And in the meantime, we plan to be more transparent about our part in this ecosystem and updates on our packaging R&D.